Vendor has SAP ERP in the system. Buyer sent material to vendor. Vendor processes the material and sends the finished goods to Buyer. What is the process to be followed at Vendors ERP?
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Answer / ruchi tiwari
this is Subcontracting Procurement type,vendor will get the material from company in semifinshed form and make it as finished product,either he can get the task of assembling the parts and at the end vendor have it make it finshed product and send it company
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Answer / abhigya sharma
subcontracting reverse process
Buyer provides material A to Vendor and Vendor processes Material A and provides Material B to Buyer.
1-Sales order for Material B,
2-MB1C with 501-E Mvt for Material A
3-Production Process for Material B, Issue A in Production. order & get B in Stocks,
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I am asking what process to be followed in vendor SAP. Abhi's solutions seems acceptable. Thanks Abhi.
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