Hi, I have 7+years experience In purchasing a new and doing sap-mm training, how is market for mm and how to find job as sap consultant, Pl help,
What are release groups and release codes?
What are special stocks?
What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?
Can a material be used after flagging it for deletion?
How do you post the goods if the po number is not known?
What is meant by MRP Type and lot sizing?
If price in purchase info records is maintained as zero or not maintained for a certain period and we make a po for the same period but price is populated in po. Where does the price come from?
Mention what are the major purchasing tables? List the transaction codes for them?
Why do we use document types in sap?
Explain return delivery?
How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?
hi all When I try to assign plant to company code,it shows an error: Valuation area missing in T001W SAVE AGAIN. I tried all the possible ways. .. how to solve this error