DME file configuration steps , how to attach DME file in FBZP configuration.
Answer / mahendranath reddy.p
How to create and configure DME File
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Easy steps to create and configure DME File
Table of Contents:
1) Introduction: Significance of DME Files
2) DME Tree structure
3) DME File Configuration Settings
4) Conclusion
DME stands for Data Medium Exchange
A data medium exchange (DME) is a data exchange file which is used to send payment information of an enterprise to banks or tax authority. Basically these files contain financial data which can be in flat file or xml file format. Different File formats can be created for different countries and different banks based on their own norm which replaces conventional ABAP programs.
T-Code for DME files is:DMEE
Main components of DME File are: -
- Header Data
- Nodes
- Data Mapping
There are some standard DME file formats, which can be changed as per country or bank requirements. A complete new DME format can also be created if requirement is different from pre existing formats.
Step by Step procedure to create DME file format :
1) Go to tcode DMEE.Provide tree type from available ones.
2) DME files can be generated in flat files or XML format.
3) Provide short description and documentation
4) DME tree can be divided into three components as shown below.
5) There are some fields which are available for DME file as shown below.
5a) Note to payee data
5b) System Fields like Date and Time
DME tree Nodes creation procedure:
Header Data:
Following header information needs to be maintained in various tabs under header data:
Administrative Data: Provide administrative data in node first tab.
Format Attributes: Depending on the type of file format, you can specify other details: for flat files, you can enter delimiter information; for XML files, you can specify further processing (via exit module) for a file after its creation, by entering an XSLT program.
Levels The number of levels defines the no of levels in a tree. This tab also defines the repetition level which tells how often a certain level may be output. If this number is exceeded, the corresponding level cannot be output anymore. If the limit is reached for the uppermost level in the format tree and additional data is to be processed, a second file is generated. If the limit is reached for lower levels, the preceding level is repeated so that data can continue to be output for this level.
Sort Key Fields: File Data can be sorted based on given fields.
File Data: This tab provides the file row separator and segment ending indicator.
After creating a segment group, a segment will be created. A tree can have multiple segments as well multiple segments. Create a segment by right click as shown below:
Node Info: Provide node information for output
Comment: This column is used to contain comments for nodes. Maximum three lines of comments per node, this tab is visible for all nodes except the header.
Create Elements in Sub node as shown below:
These elements can be of various types as shown in mapping procedures.
1) Constant: This type of element is used to contain constant value like 'DME' which is assigned in source tab as shown below:
5) This node contains structure types which can have system fields like date, time
In source tab maintain the system field
After header segment, Data segment is created as shown below.
Data Node contains a new element which is of segment type.
6) Element can also have the results of function module as shown below.
Mapping Procedure should be of Type Exit Module
Specify the FM name in source tab as shown below.
Create a footer segment for footer data of the file which again contain any no. of elements as shown below.
3. Configuration of DME File
After creation of DME file, next step is to configure the DME file for automatic payment run which requires below steps:
1) Go to Tcode FBZP and select 'pmnt methods in country'
2) Here different payment methods can be defined for country as shown below:-
3) Now select specific payment method and double click on the same. Following screen will be displayed. In payment medium workbench, DME tree can be assigned in Format column as shown below:
4) Click on Format settings.
5) Click on DME Engine, DME tree will be displayed.
Now DME tree format is being attached for a particular country and a particular payment method. To generate the DME file, you have to run the automatic payment program with this payment method. After the payments have been successfully posted, you can go to DME administration and with the help of DME manager download files on your PC. DME can be attached to a print program and form for the creation of Payment Advices.
Whenever there is an automatic payment run for the country for a specific payment method.
DME engine provides different layouts and readymade way to create flat files or XML files for external systems. It provides speed and flexibility over conventional abap programs. Files can be modified based on country and regulations. The system can trigger the creation of a DME file from the payment program if, for example, you want to submit your vendor payments to your bank electronically. For this tree type, you use the PMW) to configure payment media
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