What is your UNIX experience and the types of UNIX systems you have worked on.
How can a client be locked?
What is the difference between consolidation and development route ?
The transaction should not be displayed in User Easy access menu. How to do user auditing in sap? What will u audit?
what is the difference between system copy and system refresh?
we do uncar support packs into trans/eps/in before applying them through spam to r/3 ecc6.do we need to uncar support stacks while we do abap and java stack upgradations through jspm to nw2004?
If a user complaints that he could not execute some of the transaction codes then what will you do?
What are the daily transactions?
What is OCS and How to apply OCS Patches ?
HiAll, Could you please tell me the whole process of TMS configuration,export,import and when to use Tcode se09 in this process. Thanks in advance, Ravi
What is ocm and how to apply ocm patches?
what is the difference among spool request, ouput request, and print request?
At OS level in which directory oracle alerts are stored?