How you connect ECC to EP?
Archive Strcuk
How do you handle the lock entries?
Explain what is the use of reference and service user in sap?
what is the use of "parameter" tab in creation of user in SU01
Briefly explain a recent problem you faced, which u felt proud by solving that? And how will u solved?
What is IDES?
In nw7.1 the Jstart program is requied to start the central instance
how to take backup of system & restore it again.
What is a support package? What is its purpose?
Name of the ABAP program to delete background jobs?
Dear All, I have to upgrade the version my SAP server from ECC 4.6 to ECC 6.0. Can anybody give me details stepwise, to perform this action. or you can send me on my email address.
how to repair the sap* default password,r3 sys log file accur error..