How to find sap transaction codes?
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When applying a support pack to sap system. Can you tell me what errors you are faced are?
2 Answers Span Systems, Terrenos,
How to upgrade Tp and R3trans,anyone explain the step by step pls.
In TMS we find two roots from dev to quality, from quality to production only one root why ?
As a basis consultant what are the roles and responsibility's looking in to EP(EP monitoring, and trouble shooting and how to connect please let me some thing anybody plz help me)
what are system defined default users in SAP Application Server?
1. Can we change the data file location from existing directory?
how to check the TRANS directory size and what is its default value?
in the stms screen where do you access transport logs specifically slog,alog,and ulog?
what are client settings?
can we give one check for all vendors in automatic payment run? how?