how to calculate 162/D2 FOR TMT
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Answer / sfz ans
Its (D*D)/162 = Unit wt of Tor steel/meter length.
This formula is controversial for huge project ie: estimated Steel usage upto 20k tons.
There we have to go to basics ie: volume x unit wt.
eg: 10mm Tor bar = [3.14 x (D*D)/4] x 1 x 7850 = 0.616225 kg/m
where D= dia in meter
eg: 10mm Tor bar = (D*D)/162 = 0.6178 kg/m
where D= dia in mm
from above examples you can see there is slight diff between two wts.
thus for the project of large quantum, basic formulae should be followed.
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Answer / imran
Following Formula Is used To Calculate Steel Weight Per Running Metre
D2/162, (D)Sqr/162 Where D= Dia Of Bar in mm
Example For 10mm Dia bar Weight will Be
(10)Sqr/162 =0.62 kg/ Rmt..
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Answer /
this formula find out of weight of bar and various type dia mean that dia of bar
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