Can some give ABAP question answer series?
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Here is a ABAP question answers series.
here for SAP ABAP interview questions and answers</a>
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Explain me what is meta data?
What is information integration ?
Mention the different types of source systems in sap?
What is cross application?
How to reuse sapui5 views?
I have created few RFCs and idocs to use them from client side. RFCs have got connected with the client and were visible when i cliked on 'Browse' button but Idocs are not getting visible there. I have also released them but no effect. What can be the issue?
Explain about SAP Webdynpro module?
Explain about SAP IDM module?
Explain me what is extended star schema?
What do you do to ensure each project comes in on time and on budget?
Do you know what is bex?
check input header/detail and reverse/copy in pra module is a online and batch program. i want the complete coding or clear details of it. its urgent.