what is the use of water bar in water tank and is this an
extra item in estimate?
indiploma civil engineering student r studied is456-1978. but in practicial we r using 2000 version i think 1978 version didn't use the student. any openion?
What is the use of offset command?
what is the difference in density of fresh concrete and hardened concrete?
1 Answers GPSC Gujarat Public Service Commission,
17. What is the thing that can disappoint you while working for a certain employer?
why we use for testing of compression strength concrete the size of specimen 150x150x150. why we are not using another dimension like 100x150x100 uneven dimension.
CM 1:4 !:5..what CM stands for?? and what is standard ratio used for external plaster??
Define angular dimension?
Terms Name the bars which is used in beam and colume ? Like starter bar etc.
what is the formula for Mass of cement grout (Dg)=???
what will be the grade of concrete for PCC having ratio 1:4:8?
how to disign cuplock shuttering and it's matireal requirement snd any related web site
which tests for concrete pouring period at the site?