what is the formula for Mass of cement grout (Dg)=???
What is difference between FSI & FAR,
2 Answers Ritechoice, Sukhwani Constructions, Tejas,
how many nos of National highway in India.
13 Answers HBC, L&T,
If a 20 years old building without columns was going to renovation having a thickness of walls 12" is it Withstand the load of a new structure of having load of 1150k.g including live&dead loads?
1 Answers Construction, Ryna Facilities Services,
What is the permissible limit of silt contain in sand for rcc Work?
how many spacers we need for 1 ton reinforcement? aprox.
If u want ur Ans.Of any Question so mail me skatiyar011@yahoo.in
material calculations for I st coatplastering 16mm CM (1:5),second coat CM(1;3)4mm thick,pcc(1:4:8),RCC M20,lime stone masonry CM(1:6)
How to calculate volume of concrete & steel on tank foundation & ring wall ?
What is reinforced brick masonary and its advantages and applications, arrangement of steel
What is the quantit;(pratical method) of cement, sand, and gravel to be used in M25 grade of concrete for 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm of sand (for cement please mention in kilos, and for sand and gravel please mention in cuft
Rate analysis for construction of a solid block masonary of size 400x200x200 in C.M.1:5 in superstructure .Compressive strength 5.00 N/Sq.mm Confirming to IS: 12894:1990, with necessary scaffolding, raking of joints and pointing the same. I require rate per Cum.
What is the difference between opc cement to ferro cement