why we use for testing of compression strength concrete the size of specimen 150x150x150. why we are not using another dimension like 100x150x100 uneven dimension.
what is the cost of rcc roof casting of 400 sq. ft. in kolkata
a butt weld is specified by
what is the praposion of M30 concrete mix.
In T beam design, which are the regions selected as rectangular and Flanged ?
what is the material consumption of 1:2:4 by kilogram?
If 40 backlogs are cleared m finally with 65 percent marks . Am I eligible to get visa to US
Is Sugar a retardar or accelator or plasctizer?
what is meant by structural design?
What is proportion of M25,M30,M35,M40 IN TH FORM 1,2,3,4?
If your drg told used 600 dia hume pipe for culvert but due to market problem available 300 dia hume pipe,den how much humepipe you provide(300 dia) instead of 600 dia?
why no deduction for steel is made in the volume of concrete?
how the calculation occurs if i want to mix 1cum of M50 concrete. please calculate every ingredients with detail calculation.