a 120 60 watt incandescent lamp has to be operated from 50 c/sec 1 phase ac supply. in order to do this a circuit element has to be connect in series with the lamp. which one of the following sries element is preferable.
1 sq mm conductor=? how many amps
we are having 110 Kv,250mA Electrostatic precipitators for coal fired boilers. what will be static voltage and current after discharge and what time it will remain before earthing?
Why we are using LA Rating 10kA in 66 kv substation
cable selection formulas for electrical load.
what is mean by kneepoint voltage? when it will happen? ( my doubt is, if CT secondary is open means ct get saturation or blas? what are factors are required for calculations? plz give currect anws:
in DG synchronization system can i short R,Y,B- phase(DG-1) to R,Y,B Phase (DG-2), HOW IT WORK . WHAY WE NEED TO SYNCHRONIZATION.
Can we generate 3 phase power from single phase connections?? If yes, how?
what will happen power cables laid without gap in underground
what r the types of transmission line?
28 Answers DIET, RRB, WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority,
for a 500 KVA connected load, I calculated 30% of capactor for power correction. Even after using 225 KVR capactor PF is not improving. What could be reason for low Phase correction factor?
What is resistance reading of earth copper rod with grid and without grid?
What is class 2 coordination ?