What is process of anneling transformer core
How will change the frequency in distribution side?
What is power factor?How to improve power factor
i need previous entrence exam papers of nhpc.
what is the pi test for current transformer?
A group of machines (wind turbines) connected with 33KV feeder and each machines are having individual VCB. The 33KV feeder connected with 110KV/33KV substation. The 33KV feeder tripped by over current at Substation and fault recorded at Substation as OC-R&Y phase. Same time the group of machines VCB tripped by over voltage, the fault recorded voltage was above 66KV by numerical Under/Over voltage relay. While grid drop time, this much of voltage hike is possible?
what is cathodic protaction?
What is application of MCB & How it works
what is a pulse transformer? how rise time of pulse changes when ever the voltage changes?
How to Decide the Location of Earth pit for Compressor in Oil Depo? and How to measure the resistance of earth pit Pls explain me with the help of Circuit Diagram?
distribution is maximum done by a)radial b)network c) parallel d)b & c
How to test Alternator stability test for REF relay
What is the difference between MCCB,ELCB,RCB & MCB