In which tables SAP save information for a material
calculation? I find KEKO and KEPH. But where (which tables)
is the link to the info record which are used for the
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Answer / r praveen kumar
i din't get ur Question i thinks its regarding where the material price is stored if it is YES...
material price is stored in KONP and KONV(which r header and item tables)
1.goto to SE11 T-code: enter the table number u have customized for example it is 001 so in database it stores as a A001(here u can see the Structure )
2.Now goto SE16N: enter A001 enter the key combination...and copy the condition record number.and now enter KONP r KONV in the table and now enter the condition rec number now...Here u can see the table entries where the prices r stored..
this is how the sap determines...
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