How you can decide the number of testcases are enough for
testing the given module?

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How you can decide the number of testcases are enough for testing the given module?..

Answer / hari

The developed test cases are coverd all the functionality
of the application we can say testcases are enough.

If u know the functionality covered or not u can use RTM.

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How you can decide the number of testcases are enough for testing the given module?..

Answer / baskar

Number of test cases can be determined by knowing the
number of validation point for the given module.

we can make sure all the requirements is covered in test
case by reviewing the RTM

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How you can decide the number of testcases are enough for testing the given module?..

Answer / nikhil

min number of test cases = no. of inputs * 1.6

and for enough test cases you need to write the test cases
which are coverd all functionalities in your application

and for maximum no. of test cases you need to write test
cases all aspects of validation and functionality testing.

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