How to configure credit check of a customer or how should
system give an error message when credit limit expires?
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Answer / swastika
1st step :
SPRO -> SD ->Basic Function ->Credit Mgmt/Risk mgmt -
>Simple credit limit check
maitain C at credit check against your ordertype and save.
2nd step :
T.code= FD32
check all checkbox.
press enter.
then give your credit limit and save.
The system will give error message when credit limit
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Answer / pitabash
HI !
In case of simple credit check the options are :-
1:- A Run simple credit limit check and warning message
2:- B Rund simple redit limit check and error message
3:- C Run simple credit limit check and delivery block
4:- D Credit management: Automatic credit control
SO hope B will give the error message in simple credit
But in case of Automatic credit control:-
When we will Define automatic credit control (with Credit
control area, Risk category, and Credit groups) at that
time we can configure the error message as required
waring / error message in Reaction Status/block by
choosing "A/B".
Suggestions are always welcome..
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Answer / ramana
we have two types of credit check,
simple and automatic credit check.
Simple credit check: system consider net order value+ open
item value consider for credit exposure.
for this we have to specify in the document type simple
credit check with error message or warning message or
blocked for delivary, and check in the item category credit
Automatic credit check: system consider Open order
value+open delivary values+ open billing values+ open items
for credit exposure.
Automatic credit check works on based on Credit control
area+ risk category+credit group
configuration settings in the document type we have to
specify the automatic credit control.
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