How you will upload the open Pos in SAP through which tool?
with steps....
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How are the variations in subcontracting taken care of in SAP?
What’s the real value of this upgrade from a technology perspective?
How to make stock type as Blocked stock by default in PO.
What is the lot size attribute of a material?
What is the difference between cbp and mrp?
what are the accounts created in sap mm?
Which documents are used as references when we create po?
How will you transport release strategy from quality server to production server? Will you transport it from one server to another?
Define the consignment cycle?
What are the special procurement types?
Hi, My client wants that below mentioned business process in SAP system.How its is possible? if possible pls. inform me how? other wise how buyer knows PR raised by user group. when PR raised by user group in company. that PR automatically commuicate to respective buyer of their comany.
Explain the concept of split valuation and when can it be used? What are the settings required?