for example we will take hindustan unilever is
the implementation project.what is the business process of
the hindustan unilever ltd and what are the settings will
be done in enterprise structure and how many sales
areas,distribution channels,divisions are created and
please tell me what is the business process u have done in
sap sd implementation project what are steps of business
process you are fallowing. experts please give me
answers.this problem i will face two are three times in
interview please give answers urgently.thanks for u r
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Answer / venkatesh
HLL is tha FMCG company...........
business process is like this............
goods moved from company to c&f.....from there to distributors ....
distributors sells to the retailer and whole means
company--->c&f->distriebutor->retailer and wholeseller---> customer this is the businss process of hll............
in every statate HLL has one C AND F so u have to take this is as a SALES ORGANIZATION.. u need to create more than 20 sales organnizations, each state there will be so many distributors are ther so uneed to create all distribuion point.........
in HLL there will be differett divisions are ther ex: hair this u need to configure each division seperately........
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Answer / gani
HUL is fast mooving consumer division .
HUL have different division , Different sales offices , different distribution channel , different warehouses and procurement plant.
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How many cons. Does u have in your project?
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Have you got any critical Issues related to Pricing & how did you resolved them in your Support Project along with detailed explanation and t-codes? I want your real time live data examples from your project. Plzz provide as many examples as possible. I have an interview in immediate future so plzz help me...Please reply asap... Urgent!!!! Waiting for your response eagerly... Thanks in advance
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Is it possible to customize the product catalogue with inhouse application like ic web client? If it is possible please guide me? waiting for feedback?
There are 2 materials,for 1 material we need to create credit note (in return order) and for another material we donot want credit note (return order procerssing). is there any standard settings? or by enhancements? then how?
What is the standard G/L A/c to be posted in ME21 during third party order processing?
how many sales order run in your company? Please answer this question.