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How to find weight of steel in kg if we know the area which is in m2? Following details are known to us, Area=125m² thk of slab=250mm Steel details:T12@200 PS:considering mesh top and bottom with X and Y direction
The resultant upthrust on a body partially immersed in a liquid acts through?
5 Answers TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
The horizontal distance between parallel main reinforcements in RC slab shall not be more than
1 Answers BEL, BSL, L&T, Mrkr Constructions,
what is the diff between sudden loading and impact loading?
what is c4x light weight cement blocks
how to calculate labour strength for work for RCC,brickwork,blockwork,in &out plaster,flooring,dado,door frame & shutter,painting etc for constructing highrise building?
what is the functional requirement of cement plaster in RCC members & masonry?? Is it Manditory to do plastering on all RCC members(beams, Columns, Slabs)? in what places plasterring could be kept as an optional one???
What is meant by cartesian coordinate system?
percentage of steel in one cubic meter of concrete
The mixture of different ingredients of cement is burnt at?
how many types of foundation
what is the ratio of steel and concrete to use in slabs , beams, columns ?