what is c4x light weight cement blocks
how preparing for barbending schedule ? how to preparig for two leged stirrups?
Hi all, need Staad Pro V8i tutorial
Actually i am confused that how to calculate the bending moment for a semi-circular beam and curved slab.If any one have a good idea about the matter,please give the answer with a suitable example. Thank you......
percentage of metal,clay or soil & water in water bond macadam roads to know the quantities for each in total volume of 11500 cubic meters
What is the Roll of Water Bonding under VDF road?
how we calculate the vol.of wet concrete..?
how to calculate cutting length of stirrups bar in beam
how is the wastage component in structural steel being considered while doing the reconcillation for the fabrication with returning of scrap under 1 meter length
4 Answers LIC, NTPC, Tata Steel Limited,
What are some structures that may be subjected to fatigue?
what"s the formula to calculate the water for M15 grade concrete?
What is the method of soil replacement test?
how to calculate cutting length in bar bending schedule for 180 degree bend? for 90 degree bend we take 2d i.e we -2d for 180 degree ho much ? question asked at l&t