In Third Party sale process, I am getting an error- in
MIRO(Error No. M8889-A/c 893010 has been set as not relevant
for Tax, but when I want to change the Account Assignment in
ME21 it is taking only G/L A/C 893010 and refusing all other
G/L A/C's by giving 2 errors. They are ME045-G/L A/c 39010
cannot be used(please correct)and ME038-No direct posting
can be made to G/L A/C 34000. Experts please share your
knowledge to solve this problem. Warm Regards.
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Service level agreement?
HELLO, I have a doubt in FI Asset Accounting. On 01.04.2010 I capitalized the asset (Furniture & Fixture) and purchase on 01.04.2010  (Document date & Posting Date) worth Rs.10000/-  (ASSET Acquisition Value) , I charged depreciation 10% up to 6 months with WDV method. After 6 month the value of asset is Rs.9500/-. Now I want to sell the asset of Rs.9000. When I done the same instead of showing the loss on sale of asset of Rs.500/-, its showing Rs. 1000/- on loss on sell of asset. WHY SO…… PLEASE SUGGEST I AM CONFUSED, IS THERE SOMETHING MISSING IN CLIEN 800? OR IT MY MISTAKE IN G/L ASSIGNING IN T.CODE: AO90
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