What is George phenomena to start the synchronus machine?
How could I get a certificate of competency as Electrical Supervisor? I have completed By BTech in Electrical this year(2012) for VJTI Mumbai Maharashtra. Is it compulsory to be produced while joining?
Is it possible to run HT motor through LT VFD (LT VFD supply given to Transformer LT side and transformer HT side connected to motor)
what is 400kv doble circuit quadpole tower?
defination of generator
I have one ct of ratio 3000-2000/1 Amp its knee point voltage mentioned on name plate is 500-333/30mA-50mA at Vk/2. in secondary box there is three terminal named 1S1, 1S2, 1S3 then on which terminal obtained the knee point voltage ie 1S1-1S2 OR 1S1-1S3 & also specify the knee point voltage for the ratio 3000 from name plate.
Why insulation layer of a High Voltage cable is more than a current carrying cable?
how to set the time in digital timer ?
hello every one, what is the difference between the Kvar and farads, Rating on Power capacitor is for eg: x kvar, and normal capacitor is eg: x farads. what is the relation between these two?
what is diffrential relay used in generator plz give brief explanation
Explain the advantages of the wheatstone bridge method of measuring resistance?
. How to calculate the Short Circuit Impedance in Transformer? How to calculate the Short Circuit Impedance in Transformer?
what is ht breaker