I have one ct of ratio 3000-2000/1 Amp its knee point
voltage mentioned on name plate is 500-333/30mA-50mA at
Vk/2. in secondary box there is three terminal named 1S1,
1S2, 1S3 then on which terminal obtained the knee point
voltage ie 1S1-1S2 OR 1S1-1S3 & also specify the knee point
voltage for the ratio 3000 from name plate.
how test transfomer(3 phase75kva) by megger
Do these factors (settling time, peak time, steady state error, overshoot, rise time, MPOS (Maximum percent over shoot)) are the part of first order, second order, higher order, linear, non-linear, open-loop, closed-loop, homogeneous & non-homogeneous systems ?
What is the Difference Between MCCB & ACB & VCB
how to decide cable rating? send me cable size,ampere rating data
in a refinery one motor is suddenly stoped. what will do how can i findout the problem explain step by step
Whether the over frequency protection is turbine or alternator and why?
What is the numerical quantity of sqcm?
Explain why the Voltage drop will happen in 3 Phase line?
why effective resistance should be more than static resistance in transmission line?
how to check ac servo motor
In Battery Charger - What is the meaning of End Cell Voltage and Float Voltage.
9 Answers FLSmidth, Focus, PSEB,
what is relay multiplier
1 Answers Atomic Energy Commission, Bhel, Wipro,