what is high - pot test. what's its use?????
how we decide the require size is this for a known current at fuu load?
If the kvar rating of capacitor bank is 600 kvar at 525V then what it's rating at 415v.
how to test a motor from megger
how nautral is provided for return path is 3 phase induction motor
hello everybody...i m an Elelctrical Engineering student.. i m in final year.. i m attending IOCL interview on 2nd aug. kindly let me know on wat subjects to concentrate more...any body who has attended the interview can help... others can also post their views... thankyou.
what are the values to be accepted on 3 core 185sq mm for 11000volts on insulation resistance between conductors and between conductors and earthed?
How many input terminal of single phase transformer.which is use for rural power distribution.
I have current, kva How can calculate kv?
Dear sir,We have a 7.5hp motor,it was running smoothly and suddenly one winding is carring more current then others(r=6.5,y=6.3,b=10)..whts wrong with tis...?
which is the most common harmonics 3rd,5th,7th affect the systegm
What are the Steps for Testing of 20MVA (make:-CGL) Transformer? How many Test we have to do?
when power transformer is flashed which gas is produce in side?