different aspects of voltage stability
What is the harm if we install primary side 11 KV VCB at a distance of one Km from the 11/3.3KV 12.5 MVA transformer through 11 KV cable.
what is the maximum temperature rating of a thhn insulated conductor?
AP Transco Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Model Question papers
2 Answers APTransco, HCL, Tranco, UPSC, VMware,
how to calculate the Neutral transformer impedance?
What is the diffrece between CAPACITOR BANK & CAPACITOR OF MOTOR?
What are the disadvantages of hydropower?
I want formula to calculate cable size as per load given in kw & amp.I searched many sites but didn't right answer.Plz reply me asap.
41 Answers Armco, BEL, BGS, Biocon, BRB Cable, Crystalline Chemical Industries, DLF, Doshion, Electrical, Gold Roof, L&T, Lanco, MEIL, Oman Cables Industry SAOG, PK Services, Polycab, Sabic, SLV, System Electrical, Tata Motors, UEM, UMIC, Vega, Vertex, Voltas,
What will happen if we introduce negative feedback to a control system that uses a positive feedback?
In 6600/√3/110/√3v voltage transformer,how much output voltage in open delta transformer,after removing 1-phase of primary side on transformer?
i work as a technician at a private company.. i used to take amp reading for certain appliances such as air con.. the problem is when i clamp the neutral, wire there is a current reading.. from my understanding for single phase system neutral should not have current unless if the circuit is not complete.. yet the air con still work
what is the function and use of cable differential protection relay?
3 Answers Punjab National Bank,