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Voltas Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

how to introduce ourself

14 21928

What is the difference between voltage transformer and potential transformer?

38 92194

What is implementation and configuration ?

3 8704

I'm collecting TDS Certificate from one of our Customer for Ass. Year 2002-03 today and request IT Dept. to allow this as part of rebate to me, will they allow?? What IT Act says on this.

3 5969

Is Late fee and service tax thereon LIC Premium is elgible for deduction u/s 80C ?

2 23234

Whether sales tax is chargeable on imported goods.

4 9166

Whether sales tax is chargeable on imported goods.

2 6476

what is the required force to bend 2.5 MS sheet in 90 degrees and what is the formula to calculate the same?


I want formula to calculate cable size as per load given in kw & amp.I searched many sites but didn't right answer.Plz reply me asap.

41 415756

How to calculate the CFM to TR? What is the Formula

12 134089

how do you calculate IKW(consumption per TR) in HVAC?

27 144255

How can we calculate the rating of capacitor bank to be connected for a particular load(ex.100kw)to improve the power factor from 0.8 to 0.9?

4 18105

when neutral will carry the current?what could be the magnitude?

7 13947

How to calculate the size of window A.C. for 200 Sq. ft room?

4 12468

How to find rating of Chiller a.c. plant i.e. how to calculate the a.c. load of an area, feeded by Chiller ?


Post New Voltas Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain the internal working of cgi


why do u want to leave your present job?


1)How will u implement SCD2 by using surrogate key. 2)What are the disadvantages with surrogate key. 3)How will you handle nulls in your project for the varchar, integer data types. 4)Can I use two fact tables in star schema. 5)3 jobs are running on the 2 nodes after I added one more node so can I compile those jobs to run on three nodes.


How does metadata management contribute to better understanding and maintenance of data integration processes?


what was your best learning experience?


How do I merge cells in excel for mac?


Is react backend or frontend?


What do you understand by row chaining?


Why overriding is called runtime polymorphism?


How many feet are in 4 square yards?


What are the problems of investigative journalism?


What is a profile file in linux?


explain return tables. How do start routine and return table synchronize with each other?


Extra co-curricular activities?


Name the popular scripting language of DevOps?