what is diff between idocs,bdc,rfc and bapi. give real time
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Answer / deepak
BAPI and BADI are completely different. BAPI is similar to
RFC. In simple terms BAPI is just a function module but
remote enabled.
Difference between BAPI and RFC is that BAPI can be used
from non direct systems. Eg: from java to sap. While RFC
will support only direct systems. For Eg: Within SAP.
BADI is Business Add Ins which has a slight similarity to
user exits but different from it. When an additional
feature is added, it can be done through BADI. BADIs are
generally defined by SAP and implemented by the developers.
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Answer / ch. manoj kumar
Differences between IDOC and BAPI
IDocs are text encoded documents with a rigid structure that
are used to exchange data between R/3 and a foreign system
BAPIs are a subset of the RFC-enabled function modules,
especially designed as Application Programming Interface
(API) to the SAP business object, or in other words: are
function modules officially released by SAP to be called
from external programs.
Idocs are processed asynchronously and no information
whatsoever is returned to the client,
BAPIs are called synchronously and (usually) return information
The target system need not be always online. The IDOC would
be created and would send the IDOC once the target system is
available (tRFC concept). Hence supports guaranteed delivery
whereas for BAPIs the client code needs to do the
appropriate error handling.
With asynchronous links the sub-process on the client can be
finished even if the communication line or the server is not
available. In this case the message is stored in the
database and the communication can be done later
Problems with synchronous links occur if the communication
line or the server is temporarily not available. If this
happens, the sub-process on the client cannot be finished
(otherwise there would be data inconsistencies).
The disadvantage of asynchronous links is that the
sub-process on the server cannot return information to the
calling sub-process on the client. A special way for sending
information back to the client is required. In addition, a
special error handling mechanism is required to handle
errors on the receiving side.
Synchronous links have the advantage that the sub-process on
the server can return values to the sub-process on the
client that has started the link.
IDOCs may
be more changeable from release to release.
BAPIs are not totally immune to upgrades
IDOCs are poorly
BAPIs are reasonably well documented.
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Answer / sateesh
idoc:intermediate documentation
the main purpose of IDOC is to maintain the same data in
differenr servers.
BDC: batch data communication
it is used to upload the Flat file(records) into database by
using batch inputmethods(call transaction,session).
* BDC is screen level processing(if any changes occured
during upgration then it will FAILS).
BAPI: it is the advansed concept for BADI .
Bapi is not a screen level processing we can upload the data
by using bapi.
EG: i want uplod materialmaster data by using BAPI.
for that i am using bapi"BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA".
RFC: Rfc is used to communicate sap system to legasy system.
by using rfc we can create destination(tcode: SM59).
*we can create RFC then put into a Business
Object(tcode:swo1) then it is converted as BAPI.
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