What is Material type control?
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Answer / sundar
Material type control is similar to account group control
for customer master . The material type and the industry
you are working helps to control the data flow in a
material master.
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Answer / sridhar k
for example if u select packaging material type, then new
fields wil appear in sales/gen plant view of mat mast.
for the packaging material.
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Answer / kris
material type is control field for material master record
VERP - Packing Materials
DIEN - Services
HAWA - Trading Goods
NLAG - Non Stock Materials
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Answer / vamsi
Material Types:
Materials with the same basic attributes are grouped
together and assigned to a material type. This allows you
to manage different materials in a uniform manner in
accordance with your company's requirements.
The material type for a material would be the same across
the organization.
When we create a material master record, the material type
you choose determines:
• Whether the material is intended for a specific
purpose, for example, as a consumption material or service
• Whether the material number can be assigned
internally or externally
• The number range from which the material number.
• Which screens (Views) appear and in what sequence
• Which departmental data you may enter
• What procurement type the material has; that is,
whether it is manufactured in-house or procured externally,
or both
Together with the plant, the material type determines the
material's inventory management requirement; that is:
• Whether changes in quantity are updated in the
material master record
• Whether changes in value are also updated in the
stock accounts in financial accounting
• Automatic account determination for postings
• Authorizations at material type if required
• Stock reports
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Answer / manoj kumar guin
Material type contoles the fields which are required for a
material master creation or In other words we can say
material type controls the material like in account group
controls the customer master data.
Also the material is finished product, packing
material ,procurement material, semi-finished material, all
these is controled by material type.
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