For cement company what type of questions come in written exam?
ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY - EXAMPLE 16.3 : In the design of a solar power system steps of calculations below are followed : (a) The power output of the inverter of the solar panel is 100 watts. What is the power input, Pin to the inverter when the efficiency of the inverter is 50 %? (b) If the rated power of the inverter is 300 watts, how many inverter is needed for the solar panel? (c) Charge controller of V = 12 volts is used to supply power to the inverter. What is the input current I to the inverter? (d) If the charge controller capacity is 10 A, how many charge controllers are needed? (e) If a biochemical mixer consumes 100 watts, running for 2 hours per day, what is the energy consumption in kilowatt hour per day? (f) What is the input energy needed when the efficiency of the inverter is 50 %? (g) If your area receives 2.88 hours of full sunlight per day, how much energy, in kilowatt hour can be produced per day when one solar panel can produce 20 watts of power? (h) If you know that you have to produce total energy as the answer for (f), how many solar panels are needed? (i) Each V = 12 V battery has 5 ampere hours. If the total energy needed is in answer (f), then how many batteries are needed to run the biochemical mixer if without sunlight for 3 days?
What are the strategies acquired to cure tube vibration and exchangers in a shell?
what is the difference between material balance and mass balance
what are lubricants using in compression.
How to calculate 40% of level in cylindrical vessel?
Why is steam added into the cracker in thermal cracking?
CHEMICAL ENERGY BALANCE - EXAMPLE 11.5 : According to Margules Equation, P = x(1) p(1) g(1) + x(2) p(2) g(2) for a two-component mixture where P is bubble pressure, x is mole fraction, p is saturation pressure, g is constant given by ln g(1) = x(2) A x(2). Find the value of A as a constant when P = 1.08 bar, p(1) = 0.82 bar, p(2) = 1.93 bar in a 50 : 50 mole fraction mixture. Estimate the pressure required to completely liquefy the 30 : 70 mixture using the same equation, by proving P = 1.39 bar. Take note that ln g(2) = x(1) A x(1), ln g(1) = x(2) A x(2).
Which one is process and why?( evaporation, vaporization, reactor, fluid flow)
why traction voltage is 25kv
How to calculate the sonic velocity of a gas stream?
What is a common failure mechanism for above ground atmospheric storage tanks?