What are the Steps in consignment processing?
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Answer / riyaj
in consignment process, we have 4 stages.
first phase, company fill the goods at customer site,
still it is the property of company , is called as
consignment fill up,(CF)
wen the customer consumes tha material company issues the
invoice is called as consignmnet issue (CI)
if the customer finds tht he got any material defective he
returns is called as consignment return (CR)
wen customer requests the company to take back the material
which is not sold by the consumer, the company will pick
this stock from the customer site is known as consignment
pick up (cp)
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Answer / manojkumarguin
There are 4 steps involve in consignment process :
1st :Consignment fill-up
Document type is KB
Item category is KBN
Schedulelines is E1
Movement type is631
Here we will do only the order and delivery .
2nd :Consignment Issue
Document type is KE
Item category is KEN
Scheduleline is C1
Movement type is 633
Here we will do order,delivery and also Invoice .
3rd :Consignment Return
Document type is KR
Item category is KRN
Scheduleline is D0
Movement type is 634
Here we will do return order,return delivery,and credit for
returns .
4th :Consignment Pick-up
Document type is KA
Item category is KAN
Scheduleline is F1
Movement type is 632
Here we will do the Pick-up order and Returns Delivery .
manoj kumar guin
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 5 No |
Dear pia manoj is correct
movement types are
Consignment Fill up 631 e
Consignment issue 633
Consignment returns 634
Consignment Pickup 632
Here fill up and pickup is happening between company and customer so the movement types is 631 and 632
Issue and returns is happening between customer and consumer so movement types is 633 ,634 notice the sequence of movemnt type
Please correct me if i am wrong
thaks Regards
chavamba@gmail.com,+91 9535785219
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Answer / pia
I am sorry manoj but the movement types are incorrect.
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Answer / pia
Consignment Fill up -
doc type - cf/kb
Ic - kbn
slc - e0/e1
mtype- 631
Steps - order, delivery, picking, pgi will happen. No
Consignment Issue
Doc type - ci/ke
IC - ken
SLC - c0/c1
mType - 632
Steps - order, delivery, picking (may or may not be
relevant), pgi and then billing will happen.
Consignment Pickup
Doc type - cp/ka
IC - kan
SLC - f0/f1
mType 634
Steps - order, delivery will happen, no picking, post goods
returns will happen. no billing.
Consignment Return
Doc type - cr/kr
IC - krn
SLC - d0/d1
mType - 633
steps - order, delivery will happen, no picking. pgr will
happen. billing will be done for a credit memo, no money
will come that means no payment posting for this billing.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 14 No |
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