Why space heater is required for each verical bus bar
chamber? if one space heater is adequate or not for anti
how am i achived model paper to prepratio for bhel exam
what is automatic voltage regulator and it is used?
How many 2 ton window A/c can runs on a 125 KVA generator?
basic of electrical information where i can get? plz send the website which you know?
how can you calculate the value of external resistance inserted in a slipring industion motor? (eg. 110 kw / 990 rpm/50Hz/stator v-415/stator Amp-195/Rotor V-440/Rotor amps- 151.)
wat is the need of capacitor on aceiling fan?
if transmission voltage expressed as the multipple of form factor(1.11)........11,33,66,220 etc......then why madakkathara substation(kerala) voltage is 400kv..not 440.....?
11kv/433v delta/star distribution transformer primary side full load Ht current is 83.33A in , but input side VCB rating 800A.why?
why rating of motor in HP?
how is the leakage current flow only through guard wire (when guard wire is connected in the circuit)????
in power generator normaly voltagr betwween esth to neutral is 0 but my work place generator show the volatge is 60v any body know why? thanks
what is difference between KW and KVA