What is item category and functions of item category ?
What is item category group and function of item cate grp ?
and what is a difference betwn this 2 ?
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Answer / pitabash , infosys pune
Item Category is :-
A classification that distinguishes between different types
of item (for example, free of charge items and text items)
and determines how the system processes the item. like TAN,
TAD, etc..
Item Category Group :- A grouping of materials that the
system uses to determine item categories during the
processing of sales documents. Like NORM, ERLA, LUMF, etc..
item category group is basically used to determination of
item category. and it is used for Sales & disttibution
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Answer / bageerath
Item category is nothing but differentiating a material
with an item category... or catogorizing the items of same
behavior into one.
Ex: TAN Standard items...
Item category is determined using sales document type +
item category group + usage + Higher lever Item + default
Item Category and Manual Item category (in necessary).
Item Category Group: This is the group of Item Catogories i
should say in crude way..
or grouping of Item categories Ex: NORM
Hope this helps u out...
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Answer / satish
goig further to pitbash anser . Item category is used for
determining the order type with respecte to item category
group mentioned in materila master
BAsed on the item category group you detrmine your usage
and schdule line catery and material requiremnt palnning
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