What is a complete process of SAP SD support & how ticket will come from customer to SAP support team and after solving ticket what support member will do and how that solved ticket will reach to customer ?
3 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 17211what is SIS(sales information systems), Why it is used ? How it is configure ?
1 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 5664What is User Exit and Enhancement ? Can u explain with Specific eg ?
2 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 8445What is item category and functions of item category ? What is item category group and function of item cate grp ? and what is a difference betwn this 2 ?
3 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 6935Availability check and tor is hapn in Inquiry and Quotation ?
5 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 12935Which GL a/cs are updated in consignment fill up, issue, pick up and returns in consignment process ?
3 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 69721) What are the Stock transfer configuration steps ? 2) What is a function of account group except partner fuction creation ? 3) Tell me some critical Gaps(not basic one) which u faced in project and how u solved it ? 4) Tel me about u r bisiness flow and sales process ? 5) What is formula in pricing ? 6) What is a difference between Make to stock and Order to cash ?
SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 2110Suppose i have created service material(DIAN) for customer then how billing take place and how postind is done in FI ?
2 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 6750What is Roll-Out project in SAP ? And where it will start and What knowledge SD consultant shouled needed ?
2 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 45645While doing MB1C i am getting this error, Number ranges for trans./ enent type WA in year 2011 does not exits. Plz help me on this ....
3 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 6081
Tell me some different partner functions?
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Question { 32365 }
How the freight charges are calculated in Pricing?
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