Hi Toall abap gurus what are the variants in alv reports ?
and what is the use of reuse_alv_variants_get ?
and what is the purpose of i_save parmaetr in the
resue_av_grid-display funmodule?
what is the purpose of reuse _av_default_varinat_get ?
Thanks in advance for ur answers
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Answer / vidya
Variants in ABAP are like any other variants that we use in
ABAP. It helps us get a default value on our screen fields.
In short, it works like saving your pwds on your mail accounts.
The reuse_alv_default_variant_get helps you to give a
default value( had you mentioned in the program ) to your
screen field. This default variant is generally stored in
the struc CS_VARIANT of your program.
i_save in reuse_alv_grid_display : As mentioned above
cs_variant from the reuse_alv_default_variant_get is passed
to your functional module via i_save..
If i_save = '' variants cannot be saved.
i_save = X std save mode.
You also have modes like U and A.
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Answer / krishj
i_save allows u to save the alv layout variant,
i_save = ' ' or X is variant globally available
i_save = 'U' is user specific variant.
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