what is the definitions of Roll In Time,roll Area, Roll Out
Time And Wait Time,Please reply needful
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Answer / nash
Roll in: time taken by the process to copy the context.
Roll out: time taken by the process to copy the user information from its local memory to buffer area.
Wait time: the amount of time d user request to allocate a process by dispatcher.
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Answer / prasanta
Roll in time - the user context is copied from the roll
buffer into the roll memory ( shared Memory) of the
instance to which the user is logged on.
Roll Out Time - At the end of the dialouge step the work
process writes the user context back to the roll buffer
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Answer / karunakar
ROLL IN TIME: The process of copying the data from user context memory to workprocess (Local memory)memory.
ROLLOUT: Copying data from workprocess(Local memory) memory to user context.
Note: Both should not exceed min 50msec.
Wait time: The amount of time user request waits in a queue is called wait time.It should not exceed 50msec
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Answer / s.m.feroz ahmed
ROllIn Time is defined as the Time Taken to get into
Application Layer from system layer to Application layer
sap Logon Pad.
RollOut Time is defined as Time Taken to get out of the
Application Layer from Application layer to System Layer.
Wait Time is defined as entered into system instance and
waiting on appplication layer which is enqueue process on
SAP logon to work onto an Application with specific Tcode.
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