what is vendor account group
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The Vendor account group is a classifying feature within
vendor master records. One uses this to group together
similar vendors. The account group also determines only
those screens and fields of the vendor master record that
are needed for the relevant role of the business partner
are displayed and ready to accept user input.
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Answer / radhika
it is used to categorize vendors and vendors in similar nature are grouped together .
control functions of vendor account group is
1 field selection.
2 number ranges
3 vendor status (one time vendor or not)
4 partner schema
Is This Answer Correct ? | 26 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / gokul
Usually company use different vendor group for different
categories of vendors,Each group can be separated as regular
or irregular vendor or one time vendor.
Each vendor master can have different fields set as
required, optional or suppressed.
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vendor account group:
its vendor's characteristics, sometimes vendor may act in different roles.
Vendor(main) -0001
Goods supplier -0002
Alternative payee -0003
Invoice presented by -0004
Forwarding agent -0005
Ordering address -0006
Plants -0007
One time vendor (cpd)
One time vendor (cpdl) Ext no.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / varun
accont group is number assignment and field status of the
vendor master data.
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