what is power factor?
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Answer / m.senthil kumar.areva
power factor is the cosine of the angle between voltage and
current.....maintaining of power factor is essential thing
for improving the power factor capacitive load to be added
on the circuit for decreasing thee power factor inductive
load to be added on the circuit......
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Answer / ariel
It is the ratio of true power(watts) and apparent power(VA).
PF=watts/va= cos teta
unity pf - the voltage and current are in phase
lagging pg - the current lags the voltage by an acute angle
leading pf - the current leads the volatage by an acute
angle teta
zero pf - if the voltage and current are out of phase by
exactly 90 deg.
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Answer / ashok mishra
It is the ratio of true power to the apparent power
it is the cosine of angle b/w voltage and current
It is the ratio of resistance to the value of impedance
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Answer / riaz abbasi
To transfer electrical energy from one place to another magnetic feild is required, and user of this magnetic fields are Transformers cores, generator flux, Motor flux, Iron core, inductors. to create this magnetic flux generator has to produce the Reactive power, and by controlling the exciting voltage we produce the reactive power. out of total generating capacity we produce 10-20 reactive power or in other words power factor reduce from 1 to 0.8, if more reactive demands appears than generator can import the reactive power and hence to compromise in the less active power generation and similarly power factor will go down, but generator is not for this purpose to facilitate each reactive power demand of system, so local capacitor banks are usually recommended if more reactive power appears.
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Answer / s.bharathi.1991
ofcourse the power factor is the cosine of the angle
between voltage and current.for the good system the power
factor should always tends to one.but practically
maintaining unity power factor is difficult.maintaining
unity power factor would consume less current and gives
high power.
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Answer / saurabh
its shows the relation or tells about the resistance and (inductive Or capacitive) reactance of the machine at any load
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