for example in client 710 i update the records for tcode
me21 using bdc,in the same server if i update 5 records and
in the mean while other user do the same bdc update for
me21 for 3 records how do u resolve the remaining 2 records.
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / sreenivasa rao yarru
by lock mechanisom we can solve this problem
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / jamaluddin
by using LUW technique we can resolve this problem
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
how do u know what is the exact user-exit for that particular enhancement.
How would you design a BDC (session method ) in which session will get executed itself. user do not need to go to SM35.
how to transfor the data from flat file to bdc plz send the steps as well as example
If internal table used in for all entries in empty then what happens?
How many types of data classes are there in sap abap? : abap data dictionary
Which function module reads the data for particular Infotype
What is the modification assistant?
how to send output of program via email?
Any once please tell me some interview questions regarding Smartforms?
If One session is processed, where can You see the processed session?
Is exit a function module?
Suppose in an ALV report in grid we have to disply matnr, ernam,ebeln,ebelp etc.But when we bring the cursor on that specified field it will show "material number" for matnr, "purchase Document Number" for ebeln etc. how do you acheive this?