How we manage Cheque Management Systems in SAP?
Hi. One Question Who does all the OverHead Related Settings Like the Percentage Over Head Rate,Quantity Over Head Rate,Labour OverHead,Wages OverHead. This is Urgent Q/A Please it is very Urgent. Thanks
If you have n't soved any ticket in time , what will happen?
what is processes and Z- programs in supporting?
What do you understand by posting key? : cost center accounting
Hi all, what is the main difference between ABAV,ABAVON AND ABAVN? i have seen the related answer but there is some please provide the most suitable answer. thanks in advance
For one company code max how many chart of accounts can we assign?
why we use template allocation instead of overhead costing?
How to clear Trial Balance from a Inactive Company Code in SAP? No Operation being performed in it and no more tranasctions happening in this Company code but there is an outstanding trieal balance in this ccod).
what is the work of OKB9 and why we need okb9 setting? Plz, give in detials.
What are the accounting entries take place in mm and sd?
explain 2 business scenarios which do you feel have considerable significance and what kind of solutions did you offer while working on the projects?
Give some examples of gl accounts that should be posted automatically through the system and how is this defined in the system?