steps to upgrade from sap 4.7 to ecc 6.0 ?
tell me the current slabs rates of budget in India?
thx for answering my earlier are some more. what is payday rule and how is it calculated?what is the difference between payscale grp and payscale leval?
List the steps you would take to create the levels for different employee groups & sub groups?
wt is the difference between the payroll posting in india and us.If any difference is there or not in posting?
How do you create primary wage types?
what does the term report mean?
Where can you define the default values for overall status for each applicant actions?
What is retroactive accounting. When is it used?
What is the report to activate a feature?
What is a Payroll Driver?
What is meant by valuating of base wage types?
what are the functions performed by bapi?