Can anyone tell me some hints about what type of questions
are asked by the interviewer by an Electronics engineer when
company is installing an IPP and wants a team of engineers?
Transformer diagram mention each parts ?
what are difference between indoor and out door substation
I have a generator of 300kw.400V,50hz . what is means can i assume the load Red Phase with Neutral 300kw.Yellow phase with neutral 300kw and Blue with neutral also 300Kw. or - red with neutral 100kw same as yelloe and blue phase also giving 100kw with neutral respectively
What are HT & LT Cables? What are their values?
State thevenintheorem?
1sq mm dc powr cable can carry how much dc currnt
What is the following which is printed on electrical appratuses like AC21 ,AC 23 , etc ?
What is the function of auadag in a cro?
why do we not use equivalent voltage source in negative sequence equivalent ckt.
why the earth pin in a 3-pin socket is longer and thickest?
what we happen if 400 kvar cpacitor banks are on in manual mode and there is no load on mains ??????????????
i want to know how to calculate the battery capacity based on the UPS . ex i want to run have one kva UPS Which should run 10 hours ? in that case how many batteries to be installed and what will be the AH Value .