I have a generator of 300kw.400V,50hz . what is means
can i assume the load Red Phase with Neutral 300kw.Yellow phase with neutral 300kw and Blue with neutral also 300Kw. or - red with neutral 100kw same as yelloe and blue phase also giving 100kw with neutral respectively
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Answer / pillay
300kw is the total safe generating capacity of the gen set.
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Answer / sudhakar g
According to your question answer is simple......Each phase
and neutral can carry current at equal ratio.....R phase
with 300KW
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What the capacitor Current formula?, For 1 KVAr how amps its required? for using the KVAr for boosting the PF Design Calculation.( Eg: for 30 KVAr required how many KW?)
17 Answers Alstom, Call Centre, EDC, HCL, Procon Engineers,
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