please any one can tell me How to validate the data in Table
maintinance generator?how can u validate the table field
values if u r entering the data into fields .it shows record
is wrong?wher we can done validation in table maitenance
generator before getting the data as out ?
A Report program is executed in Back ground mode. The out put of this program must be sent to the inbox for a list of users.The users are based on an Organizational assignment defined in a configuration table. what is the Best way this can be performed?
How we can retrieve data using secondary index. Explain with simple example?
what is the Currency and Quantity field in BDC?
What are the various types of the Internal tables used?
how to create module pool program using table controls based on selection criteria specified for sales document item in the first screen and item details in the second screen. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
What is reject statement? please reply me breifly?
3 types of buffering techniqes. 1.bufering not allowed 2.buffering swithed on 3.buffering not allowed but switced on what does it means?
what are the diff page formats available in SMARTFORMS ?
Does every abap/4 have a modular structure? : abap modularization
what are conversion routines
What is the difference between data elements and domains?
21) Difference between BAPI'S and Fumnction modules.?