Marketing Sales Interview Questions
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What is Budgeting, sales forecasting, Strategic planning? Please I know theoratical answer! Give me a practical answer? with examples! Thanks in Advance

1 15442

What is a difference between a practitioner and an MBA MARKETER! IF BOTH are earning same in one company? Both are respected same in a company? MBA professional gets annoyed.... Why I did MBA? If someone else without it can do the same job? In some cases! Practitioner are earning better..... WHY? BEFORE WORLD introduced MBA,s! Companies were running and people were selling!..... then WHY MBA marketers especially? One practitioner says! There is no need for MBA marketers? What should be the answer?...... ;)

1 3990

What is the difference between invoice and billing

1 5619

I am doing PGDM in dual specilisation With Marketing and HR.But i have done my summer intrenship in HR while i want to go in marketing but that time intervier ask me that if you have done your summer intrenship in HR then why do you want to go in Marketing?

3 7677

what is marketsegment ?

7 8298

why marketing is process of gardening not hunting?


how will you handle two very important companies at the same time same day?

HDFC, Magna Infotech,


if the customer is dissatisfied with the service of ur company, how will you handle the customer? write the steps


5 7708

what is general insurance? name 5 types of general insurance.

Bharti AXA Life Insurance, Government, HDFC, ICICI,

15 87471

what is networking in marketing?


2 5731

what is funneling the suspects?

2 5098

What test can be created by you if the area is new for the company?

2 4359

How you calculate Return on Investment on wholesalers



By using 7p's of marketing how can i sell a product?


3 7977

By using 7p's how can u sell a HLL product?

Airtel, HLL,


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Un-Answered Questions { Marketing Sales }

What do you understand by the term marketing?


How would you prefer to do outside sales, in a team or alone?


Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 on your ability to work under pressure where 1 is the least and 5 is the maximum?


what will yo do to acquire new clients?


How do you currently track/manage your sales rep call activity?


what is the difference between C&F A and super stockist..


4. What is your typical way of dealing with conflict?


What is the target set plan for distibutor...?


Are marketing skills inherent? Can they be nurtured and developed?


What is target oriented sales?


i hve 3 yrs of experience in financial market(capital and derivative market)as sales manager, i am handling a team under me which takes care of financial prodduc distribution and i am looking for oracle course, kindly let me know which module will be suitable for me.


What is "place" in marketing sales?


PRAN-RFL er prothustatha e


What are project sales?


what is the market share how to do calculation plz give exple ?