Chemical Engineering Interview Questions
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QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.8 : (a) Acceptable wavefunction in quantum mechanics in the range of : negative infinity < x < positive infinity, vanishes at least at one boundary. Which of the following is the wavefunction or are the wavefunctions of acceptable theory : P = x, P = | x |, P = sin x, P = exp (-x), P = exp (-| x |)? State the reason. (b) Let linear momentum operator P = -ih d / dz. The wavefunction is S = exp (-ikz) where i x i = -1, k and h are constants. Find the linear momentum of such wavefunction by using the term P x S.

1 1583

Question 112 - In quantum computing, let the amplitude A = a | 0 > + b | 1 >, | a | | a | + | b | | b | = 1. Find the values of b if A = 0.8 | 0 > + b | 1 >.

1 1540

QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.9 : When an algebraic product is defined on the space, the Lie bracket is the commutator [x,y] = xy - yx according to Lie algebra in mathematics. If [p,x] f(x) = px f(x) - xp f(x), p = -ih d / dx, find the value of [p,x] in term of i and h.

1 1800

QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.10 : There are 6 spin orbitals in p subshell in a ground state carbon atom. Only 2 electrons fill the p subshell. Number of different ways for n electrons to occupy the k spin orbitals are k! / [ (n!) (k-n)! ]. Find the number of different configurations of electrons to occupy the p subshell in a carbon atom.

1 1429

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.1 : In quantum computing, let the amplitude A = a | 0 > + b | 1 >, | a | | a | + | b | | b | = 1. Find the values of b if A = 0.8 | 0 > + b | 1 >.

1 1535

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.2 : (a) If | 001 > = | 1 >, | 111 > = | 7 >, find the 2 possible values of ( | 001 > + | 1 > + | 7 > ) ( | 111 > ). (b) In quantum money, a duplicate will have probability P of passing the verification test of a bank, if the total number of photons on the bank note is N. The would be counterfeiter has a probability p of success in duplicating the quantum money correctly for each photon. Guess the relationship of P, p and N as a mathematical formula involving natural logarithm ln.

1 1430

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.3 : A system of linear congruences consists of 3 equations : X ≡ 1 (mod 3), X ≡ 3 (mod 5), X ≡ 4 (mod 6). X has positive values. (a) List the values of these equations from 1 to 35. Then find the minimum value of X. (b)(i) Find the least common multiple (LCM) of b = 3, 5 and 6 where X ≡ a (mod b). (ii) If b - a has the same value of all equations above, then X + (b - a) is divisible by LCM. Find the value of minimum value of X via LCM division.

1 1493

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.4 : A system of linear congruences consists of 3 equations : X ≡ 1 (mod 2), X ≡ 3 (mod 3), X ≡ 4 (mod 5). X has positive values. (a)(i) List the values of these equations from 1 to approximately 40. (ii) Find the first smallest value and second smallest value of X. (iii) Guess the third smallest value of X. (b) Let X ≡ Aa (mod Ma), X ≡ Ab (mod Mb), X ≡ Ac (mod Mc). According to Chinese remainder theorem, X ≡ (Aa x Ya x Md + Ab x Yb x Me + Ac x Yc x Mf) [ mod (Ma x Mb x Mc) ]. (i) Show that Ma, Mb and Mc have the greatest common divisor of Ma x Mb x Mc. (ii) Find the values of Md, Me and Mf if Md = Mb x Mc, Me = Ma x Mc and Mf = Ma x Mb. (iii) Find the values of Ya, Yb and Yc if Ya = Remainder of (Md / Ma), Yb = Remainder of (Me / Mb) and Yc = Remainder of (Mf / Mc). (iv) Use Chinese remainder theorem to find X.

1 1561

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.5 : In quantum teleportation, let (C0 + D1) (00 + 11) = C000 + C011 + D100 + D111. Ba = 00 + 11, Bc = 10 + 01, Be = 00 - 11, Bm = 10 - 01. (a) Find the values of 00, 01, 10 and 11 in term of Ba, Bc, Be and Bm. (b) Prove by calculation that (C0 + D1) (00 + 11) = 0.5 [ Ba (C0 + D1) + Bc (C1 + D0) + Be (C0 - D1) + Bm (-C1 + D0) ].

1 1831

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.6 : (a) Let H | 0 > = 0.707 ( | 0 > + | 1 > ), H | 1 > = 0.707 ( | 0 > - | 1 > ). Find the values for H | 0 > + H | 1 > and H | 0 > - H | 1 >. (b) In quantum computing, a qubyte is a quantum byte, or 8 quantum bits, a sequence processed as a unit. A qubit is a quantum bit. According to Alexander Holevo in his theorem, n qubits cannot carry more than n classical bits of information. What is the maximum amount of classical bits of information that can be carried by 1 qubyte.

1 1553

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.7 : If | ± > = 0.707 ( | 0 > ± | 1 > ), prove that | Ψ (t = 0) > = | 0 > = 0.707 ( | + > + | - > ).

1 1587

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.8 : In quantum computing, a quantum state is given by S = a | 00 > + b | 01 > + g | 10 > + d | 11 >. (a) Find S in term of | 0 > and | 1 > etc. (b) The probability of getting x is P(x). For S = 0.5 | 00 > + 0.5 | 01 > + 0.5 | 10 > + 0.5 | 11 >, find P(0) and P(1). Hint : P(00) + P(01) = P(0) = a x a + b x b, P(10) + P(11) = P(1) = g x g + d x d.

1 1491

QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.9 : In quantum computing, find the equations of S = (a | 0 > + b | 1 >) (g | 0 > + d | 1 >) in term of | 00 >, | 01 >, | 10 > and / or | 11 > when ad = 0.

1 1394

I am a student of class 12. With PCMB group. But I Am not good at math. So I wanted to ask whether Chemical engineering can be a good option for me.???


QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.10 : In quantum computing, the conversion of Control Not (CNOT) gate in two input quantum bit gate could be decribed as : | 00 > --> | 00 >, | 01 > --> | 01 >, | 10 > --> | 11 >, | 11 > --> | 10 >. If | P > = 0.707 ( | 01 > - | 11 > ), find the value of CNOT | P >.

1 1317

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Can any one send me the sample test papers of IOCL entry exam to be held on 6th july 2008. Also plz send the interview questions that cud probably be asked........i wud be highly obliged if u can send a few test paers and other stuff @


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