QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.8 : (a) Acceptable wavefunction in quantum mechanics in the range of : negative infinity < x < positive infinity, vanishes at least at one boundary. Which of the following is the wavefunction or are the wavefunctions of acceptable theory : P = x, P = | x |, P = sin x, P = exp (-x), P = exp (-| x |)? State the reason. (b) Let linear momentum operator P = -ih d / dz. The wavefunction is S = exp (-ikz) where i x i = -1, k and h are constants. Find the linear momentum of such wavefunction by using the term P x S.
QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - ANSWER 31.8 : (a) Acceptable wavefunctions are P = sin x as the boundaries are P = +1 and -1, and P = exp (-| x |) as the boundaries are P = 1 and 0. (b) P x S = -ih d / dz [ exp (-ikz) ] = -ik x (-ih) x exp (-ikz) = -i (-i) kh x S = -kh x S. Then P = -kh = linear momentum. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706; chuentat@hotmail.com; http://kangchuentat.wordpress.com.
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If sum one has HAL placement paper plz mail me ,I m Chemical Engg.my id is er.kotnala@gmail.com
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.23 : An engineering company would like to produce 10000 units of control instruments. Let selling price per unit = $10, variable cost per unit = $2, overall fixed cost = $30000. (a) Calculate the income obtained when all units are sold out successfully. (b) Find the overall cost of production. (c) Calculate the percentage of gross profit obtained based on the answers in (a) and (b). (d) Find the minimum units that need to be sold out successfully in order to prevent losses. (e) How many minimum units of instruments that need to be produced in order to prevent losses, if all units produced are sold out successfully?
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3 Answers BPCL Bharat Petroleum, GACL, GATE, IOCL,
i badly need a chemical process details for making a project...plz help me out......i m a btech final yr chemical engg student in a govt univ,and we have to make a detailed project on any chemical process with contents like...intro,kinetics , material balance,thermodynamics,process layout,process design,physical conditions,plant location,cost estimation etc.............if any one could help me i will never forget hi thankless work and always try to help u in whatever u ask.............
MASS TRANSFER - EXAMPLE 4.2 : In a non-dilute absorber, graphical method is used to represent the process. In an X - Y coordinate system, X-axis represents mole of carbon dioxide / mole of water and Y axis represents mole of carbon dioxide / mole of nitrogen. The inlet gas stream consists of 8 mol % of carbon dioxide in nitrogen. (a) Find the S / G minimum as a slope that goes through the point (0, 0.0304) and (0.0000488, 0.086957). (b) Find the actual slope of operating line when it is 1.5 times the S / G minimum! (c) Find the value of x for inlet gas stream when y = 1640 x, y is mole fraction of carbon dioxide in nitrogen.
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