Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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Why we use ups battery and dsdb battery in thermal power plant



I had finished D.E.E.E at 2004,I wish to take C license.I am working pvt company HT supply but my professional certificate was missing.I have diploma & course completed certificate.without professinel may I got c license?.pls guide me.


1 2826

difference between converter and invertor

2 4641

Can I use star delta connected induction motor for dual supply voltage?


What is the physical significant of power factor?



what is the significant for using two types of voltage(line voltage & phase voltage)


1 3114

How to calculate the cross section area for a 350 m cable, motor power is 26 kw???


1 4352

what happens when a dc shunt motor fed with an alternating suppy ?

1 3511

What is the formula to calculate distribution transformer De-rating on iron losses basis



Dear All, Can anybody please tell me which value(saturated or unsaturated) of sub-transient reactance(Xd") we take for the calculation of fault current of the system?

2 5620

Petroleum jelly is applied to the terminals of the lead acid battery is to prevent?


2 6375

In a Capacitor the electric charge is stored in:

TELK Transformers And Electricals Kerala Limited,

2 4461

Rated moter voltage and frequency is 380volt 60 hz but moter is running at 380votac 50hz is this harmful for moter winding


1 5351

what happen if the battery is charged by more than one source ,for ex: connecting data cable to laptop & charger pin to source supply ? 

2 3943

When testing an earthing connection, we use a 60 or 100 candle bulb with a phase connected direct from supply and the other wire to the new earthing provided.If the bulb glows then the earth is ok.Else earth connection is not Ok. So, why dont we can use all the home appliances taking a single wire from the phase and the return connection to Earth instead of return connection to neutral?

2 3840

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What is Primary And Secondary Injection Test of Relay and Other Electrical Devices. How IT is carried out.


what is the calculation formula for motor starting torque,running torque, running torque.


what is meaning of sympathetic tripping with respect to relays and give the values for current carrying capacities for copper and aluminium cables from 16sq mm to 500sq mm


What are the types of windings present in the ceiling fan? What winding will be effective first when we started the fan?What are the resistance and inductance ratios comparatively at the initial speed and full speed of the fan?


what is the differebt between ac and dc fuse?


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Is it true that in the 3 phase transformer, the limbs of the core are at 45 dgrees to each other. if true, why?


how u select control transformer for a mccb panels or any panels?for expample we hav 440 volts maim supply and control volts is 230v?


Define conversion efficiency of a power amplifier.


How to design harmonic filter at the project stage without nowing the harmonics levels


what is meant by twilight switches 7 where its applicable ?


What is meant by reverse polarity and how it can be fixed?


How can eliminate noise problem inside temperature controller temp. variation due to contactor chattering problem.


how will we calculate the copper wire load..


why we use the 100% and 95% stator earth fault protection for the synchronus generator ?