Post New TELK Transformers And Electricals Kerala Limited Interview Questions
How do we resolve attribute roles in microstrategy?
WHAR ARE THE RELAVENT DATA BASE TABLES FOR THE FI? HOW CAN YOU PREPARE CONSALIDATED BALANCE SHEET R/3? WHAT ARE CONTROL THAT WE SETUP WHILE ENTERING A DOCUMENT ? WHAT IS VALUATION AND VALUATION CLASS WHAT IS DEFERANCE? how many typs of calculatiion procedures are there in sap system ? and explain those? how can you record the provision for the baddebts? how can you direct the output of checks printing of a various banks at time
What is java and their uses?
Who developed windows?
What is Web architecture that are followed while doing online project and tell the samples of architecture?
What do you mean by cardinality?
Explain what is Scala?
Define a typical devops work flow ?
The tools and techniques of Source Selection include all of the following except: A. Contract negotiation B. Work authorization system C. Weighting systems D. Independent estimates
Explain activation energy?
Explain the jspdestroy() method?
What are the three tiers in etl?
What does f1 do in word?
What are the different privilege types that can be assigned to a user in hana studio?
What is the two main roles of operating system?