if our load in 3 phase circuit is 4000 amp. calculate the capacity of capacitor panel if line power factor is.80 .
1 3528where the Motorized mccb to be used? In Motor control center panel starters ,it is use full. please answer
1 4368Arrangement of earthing materials.like what we put first charcol,then salt.then plate. Plz answer me about that.
1 2226in a solar power plant,we are going to step up the voltage 350V to 33kv, and to 132kv GSS. i want to ask that if it is possible that 315v/33kv is not possible because we also use 315v/11kv. or it should be 415v/33kv? is it effects generation or losses? the second question is-generation is depends on LV winding? or LV winding design for generation voltage?
1474if a train is running on a speed of 40 K MPH and crosses a individual passing by him in 48 secs who is riding a horse with a speed of 25 K MPH. what is the length of the train?
2 3626in a delta-star with neutral grounding on star side what will happen if one star limb got opened at star point
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What is the ratio of Booster transformer?
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in conventional fan regulators how the current varies with speed?
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