which is chemical used as in ro water what is difference betweeen multi grade filter&dual media filter
1809which pump used in WTP explain the function of VFD how to dtermine capacitorbank of capacity one plant
1641whydoes the p.f of diesel generator always be 0.8 explain how will you determine the shortcircuit capacity of network
1 3279how much mininmum length required to conduct a DC Hipot Test on 33kV AC Cable with 45kV DC? Is it 20meter or Less then 20?
1772what is the clearances between phease to phease & phease to earth in 400 kv transmission line?
1 3903how to calculate short circuit calculation of the transformer by usuing the percentage impedence? formula needed.
2 5946Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
What are motor generator sets and explain the different ways the motor generator set can be used ?
what is the difference between megger and earth resister ??
Dear all i want to know SEWA Electrical Supervisor Licence test Previous Year Questions ? If any body know please send to me zohairaukllah@yahoo.com
how to find 5 kilo meter long under ground 33 kv cable fault location if IR VALUE shows 0.05 M ohm @5000 volt.and cable fault locator shows some time fault distance 3 kilo meter ,3.7 kilo meter and some time 1 kilo meter? now how to find the fault location that where is leakage. note--it is tested with 5000 kv megger and insulation resistance is 0.05 M ohm. and some time 0.03 M ohm comes.
What is power distribution criteria for converting single phase unbalanced residential load to 3 phase star connected balance system. Does total KW converted to 3 Phase. Means Divided by root 3.
what is meant by 3rd hormonics ?
what is the minimum requirement gigaohms for the insulation test using 5kv in 300mm xlpe cable
What do you understand by oldham's coupling ?
Hello everyone, somebody knows what is a "surplice power" ? The hole phrase is: "This rating is appropriate for a generator set paralleled with an infinite bus e.g. a national electrical supply network or grid where the generator set is run at 100% load, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and any surplice power is exported into the grid" Thanks in advance.
How can I calculate per unit (KWH) fuel (Gas/ Diesel both) consumption 1MW unit?
ROC converges if pole and zero lies inside a) origin b) z=1 c) pole d) zero ? Explanation please? if ROC does not converges then?
What is dc current source? Differentiate between ideal and non ideal current sources?
A 3 phase transformer's (Y-Y) Y and B phase is (Y and B connection not broken) broken from neutral and R and Nutral connection is ok, what will be the relay tripping and why
H.t motor 6600 volt to same motor lt supply 440volt supply applyed to h.t motor to effect....